Billy Shew and Cockrell’s Cider
This is time number 3 in two weeks that we’ve made it to Cockrell’s! I guess the takeaway from that is when we decide to start going somewhere, we go all in! (Actually, we just always go all in on everything we do, has that been obvious yet?)
Tonight was Billy Shew and the Sole Providers. We had seen them once before at the L&M Firehouse in Orting and loved their sound! When we saw them on the schedule for Cockrell’s, we knew we had to go back.
Because of where Cockrell’s is, I (Zeek) end up having to get off early, run home to change and pick up Denice, then head back up Meridian to get to Cockrell’s. Unfortunately, that makes it hard for us to get there before 5:15-ish. When Billy and Leanne had played last week, music was scheduled from 5:00-7:00, and they played until well after 7:30. When we got there this week, we realized music had already been going for some time and started to ask around. Well, after talking to some regulars, it turns out it depends on the band, and sometimes it is 5-7, other nights it is 4:30-6:30, like this evening. Depending on the weather, the crowd, and the musician, the owner will sometimes encourage music to keep on going well past 7:00. Tonight, the band had to get wrapped up right at 6:30. It was fantastic music! But a couple hours on the road between going up and down Meridian for an hour of music was a little bit of a bummer… But that isn’t always the case! We will just have to keep going and see if we can generally catch a little more music because, as we learned tonight from some of the regulars, the schedule just depends on what is going on!
Now that we’ve gotten a little variety in days and crowds, it is clear Thursday night is their regular’s night to come out and party together! The energy and camaraderie on Thursday evenings is so fun to see!
This evening we ran into Lisa, a regular at The Mill’s Singer Songwriter night! She has been going to Cockrell’s for years, and it was great to chat with her and learn a little more about this great location.
Despite not being there for long, we did manage to get in one dance! The band closed with Sweet Home Alabama, and we simply couldn’t resist. However, it is a bit of a long song, and we were back dancing in the grass again which, as we’ve said, isn’t always the easiest. We tend to be critical of our dancing, thinking this dance in particular would look not choppy and we would look to be stumbling or almost falling over at parts. Recording our dancing and rewatching it has been a fantastic realization that it looks so much better than we realize. If you are getting into dancing and thinking you don’t look like you know what you are doing, take some time to record an entire dance and watch back. In our experience, you always look twice as good as you think you do!
Cockrell’s Hard Cider has some great talent lined up for the next few weeks! Check out their Instagram for the full schedule, or our upcoming events page. We plan to be back in a couple weeks on the 14th when Leanne Trevalyan’s band Octopus Ballet is performing! Hope to see you then!