#WAugust pt. 2

It's been quite the summer season here in Western Washington. The outdoor music venues are in full swing, the farmers markets are up and running, and soon the Western Washington Fair will be open!

We enjoyed the Rainier Music Festival in Ashford for the first time this year. Part of the stellar line up was the reggae group, Island Sounds. We had never danced to reggae before, but once we did, we were hooked. Always great to try something new.

And speaking of trying something new, Zeek got to try his hand at blending wines. Leony’s Cellars, in Enumclaw hosted a blending event. We used Malbec, Cab Franc, and Grenache. Each wine was from Leony’s barrels, and was splendid by itself, but the addition of 5% of one or the other really changed the flavor, the finish, or the overall mouthfeel of the wine. I felt pretty official with the graduated cylinders, beakers, and note pads provided for the event. You can see more photos from the event on their Facebook page, www.facebook.com/Leonyscellars/

So for now, there’s just one week left of WAugust, and we want to know what you are doing to send it out in style. Jump on our Facebook and tell us what you’ve been up to.

And pretty soon (in Electric City, WA) We’ll see you on the dance floor.



