
It’s WAugust!

Washington Wines, August… 31 days of celebrating Washington Wines.

Here’s a bit about a real gem in North Pierce County, Chorus Frog Winery in Edgewood.

Check them out at www.chorusfrogwine.com or on Facebook… Chorus Frog Winery.

Chorus Frog Winery, with frogs of course… and a great cache of botanical interests too!

And of course Denice’s favorite… the wine dogs!

Also, don’t forget about #WAugust for any Washington Wine posts you do, and we’d love it if you’d share them on our Facebook page as well.

You can also go to our YouTube channel or back through some of our old posts and see several other videos about our love for Washington Wines.

So for now, cheers to WAugust and the 1,000s of Washington wineries that are around to enjoy! We can’t wait to hear about everywhere you’re visiting!


#WAugust pt. 2


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