Product Review: Meno Labs Day 1
Look what finally came in the mail! I am so excited it arrived to start my journey!
I (Denice) was so eager for the first day that I was up at 5:30am for the first time in two months due to anticipation… My mom would tell you that when I was little long ago, she couldn’t tell me anything exciting in advance because I would get too excited and couldn’t sleep. I guess some things never change! Let’s see if this product helps me keep getting up on time because I know excitement won’t be enough.
The bottle says to take two with food, so I’m taking it with my favorite protein smoothie (more on that in another post).
I chose this product from menolabs because it’s supposed to target those areas I’m troubled with; night sweats, hot flashes, irritability, and weight gain. It was developed by two women going through menopause and looking for a quality product. It contains natural ingredients, many of which are commonly used for these symptoms caused by hormones. I’m not interested in synthetic hormone therapy, so this is my alternative.
I’m hoping to eliminate the twice nightly wake ups covered in sweat and the roughly half dozen daily heat waves. I’m hoping to feel better balanced emotionally and physically. For instance our last night out at a wine tasting event, I just couldn’t get comfortable and I was itchy (yet another symptom since estrogen affects skin health) and therefore, testy… sorry hubby!
And I am hoping to eliminate the random weight gain… I weighed in at 127.4 this morning. Five pounds heavier than a few months ago despite no changes to my fairly strict diet. I felt my best, both physically (joint health and bladder health in my case) and emotionally, at my previous weight. Everyone’s weight goals are different and everyone has their own reasons! But these are mine.
So, I am excited to be starting this journey and incredibly hopeful to see an impact! I will be sharing this experience in weekly Wednesday updates. Join me next week to see how it’s going!