Junkyard Jane Trio at Our Favorite Pub
It is a cold wintery Saturday night. It had been snowing for a few days, icy temps were expected, and the weather had simply been all over the place. We knew the best option for such an evening was to warm up with a drink and great friends at our favorite place, Lake City Pub!
We had been invited by some of our fellow music friends to a Junkyard Jane performance the night before which unfortunately ended up canceled, so instead we invited them to join us at Lake City Pub! Thankfully they got there early, as by 6:30 the place was already packed! Apparently, everyone else had the same idea.
The Junkyard Jane trio is a slightly smaller number of folks from the whole group. Billy Stoops, Leanne Trevalyan, and Jim King arranged themselves on the stage between the neon glow of the iconic mic and the warm lights of the Christmas tree! As the first time for this trio to take to this stage, it was an amazing show as expected! They each took turns singing and playing a variety of instruments and regaling the crowd with their signature swampabilly blues sound.
Of course, we got in some dancing even with the house packed. Being familiar with the space helps us to know the best options when it gets crowded.
Even better, with some great fellow Junkyard Jane fans, we enjoyed being on the dance floor with other folks as well. We love seeing couples up and enjoying themselves on the dance floor!
It was a great way to spend a chilly Saturday evening, and it was great fun to see Kim and Ted and spend some time with them! (And thankfully the roads weren’t too bad despite not leaving until 10pm.)