Happy Halloween at Lake City Pub
We had talked about finding a Halloween party this year but weren’t certain where might be hosting something with Halloween on a Monday. It just so happened to turn out that Billy Stoops and Leanne Trevalyan were going to be playing at Lake City Pub Halloween weekend, and Lake City Pub had decided to turn it in to a Halloween party! Between being Lake City Pub, Billy and Leane performing, and a costume contest, we knew that is where we had to be!
I (Zeek) knew right away what our couples costume was going to be… Denice wasn’t thrilled with it, but she ended up having quite a bit of fun! Every year, come around this time of year, I start to take on my true persona… SANTA CLAUSE! The beard is grown and trimmed all year long to foster a Santa looking beard, and I even have specialty glasses. The suit was not purchased for Halloween, this is a favorite of mine for my many weekends hanging Christmas lights. And I got Denice a matching set. Now Santa and Mrs. Clause are complete!
We got to Lake City Pub and grabbed our favorite table near the stage. Ordered a bottle of Malbec, a patty melt, and a plate of bacon covered jalepeno poppers… All of our favorite things on the menu! As we were chatting, after saying hello to Billy and Leanne, we notice someone across the room staring uncomfortably at us and starting to approach our table. Folks at Lake City Pub are pretty friendly, so we just shrugged it off and assumed maybe he had seen us around. He came right up and pulled a chair out at our table and sit down. There was something just slightly off putting about him, but we wanted to be friendly and turned to introduce ourselves. And in that moment, we realized it was Billy who had put on his Halloween “costume”, an entirely too convincing mask that blended right in under his ball cap and sweatshirt hood. Turns out Zeek knew pretty much right away, but Denice and our daughter Lexi were entirely confused as to who this was. The mask has such a great back story, but we will leave that to Billy to share ;)
As always it was a great evening, complete with costume contest, great food, and plenty of fun listening to the great music and dancing at our favorite place. The costumes were fun, but as “The Clause Couple”, were more geared for temperatures at the North Pole. Thankfully the night air cooled us off as needed on the back patio. Lake City Pub is always our favorite place to be, and the added festivities only made it better!